About SoccerHotTips

In current days we believe that information is very important no matter what investment of business you are doing, so does sports betting. Years back, we are a bunch of gambler that bet purely with our own instinct, sometimes the team name that we like and sometimes the odds number that we felt good. And end up debts all over.

Because of the debts we got to find a high pay job, we moved to Macau from Singapore to work in casino then we got to meet people from the secret society, rich and powerful peoples. Thanks for the connection we got all our debt paid off, last time we really don’t believe that sports we loved have a very dark side of it but now when we are inside of it sports is just a game created to earn money.

When we are back on tracked, we talked with the peoples on top. We wanted to create a group of winner, a group of punters that able to earn from bookmaker and by that we created soccerhotips.

SoccerHotTips is the distribution of top secret betting information direct from Macau. Home of the largest and most connected underground sports bettors. This information comes direct by a secret society of sports bettors that are responsible for millions of dollars each week of betting profits. The identity of this syndicate will never be revealed but this is your connection to the most coveted information. We ensure that you receive the highest quality soccer information available. The information flows direct from underground bookmakers around Asia and is compiled for best match of day.

We reallly hope that you can join us today and start betting like a winner.

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We don't like to say too much
pretty words to convince our
members, we prove it with
paying a company to verify
and monitor our tips.

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