Subscribe To SoccerHotTips

You had go thru our website, checking out our team, viewed our track records and maybe contacted us for more information. Now you are ready to start to bet as a winner so we will explain what plan we have here and what guarteed you will receive.

We only provide only type of plan in SoccerHotTips, 7 days of service with minimum 7 tips send directly to you subscribed email or you can make special request to have the daily tips send directly to your mobile but we will need to send a test sms to you first and we can’t promised that all sms will successfuly go thru.

Everyday we will release 1 tip, the most confident tip to all our paid members. In case the match of the day is postponed, cancelled or you can’t place bet of the tip because your sportsbook never offer the handicap we won’t deduct the credit from your account. This is to make sure the payment we charged is for 7 tips.

Now the most important part, the guaranteed. For every tip released we will deduct one credit from your account, if the tip win then we will keep releasing tips the next day. If the tip lose we will provide additional 2 credits into your account. And you only required to renew your account when you run out of credtis. By this you are sure to gain profits from the plan you subscribed.

You may subscribe to us by clicking the buy now button in your right in every pages of our site if you are a paypal user. If you don’t have a PayPal account, you can always contact us for more payment option.

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Monitored Service

We don't like to say too much
pretty words to convince our
members, we prove it with
paying a company to verify
and monitor our tips.

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